There may be several instances when you get injured in your office. However, not all of them qualify for getting compensation. It is important for you to understand when it is appropriate to approach your employer and ask for financial aid. You can also get in touch with one of several Lynchburg workers comp lawyers who can show you the right path after you have been injured at your workplace. Below mentioned are a few incidents, when you can ask for compensation for your work-related injuries:
If you are on a business trip, sales call or business trip or other business-related reason, you can get compensation if you have been injured during this time. If you have taken your car and used it for your office work on demand, you can file for compensation. Likewise, if you are using your company’s car and traveling for your boss’s work, you are eligible to get compensation if you get injured.
Business Conferences and Events
If your company has organized an event and you get injured during this time, you can get compensation. However, if your employer has made it an option for all employees and you are still attending it, you may not qualify for compensation if you experience any injury. In this case, your attorney will be the best person to contact. He can look at the situation and suggest the best way to deal with the injury. Additionally, you can also ask your human resource department about your options.
Lunch Breaks
The most confusing part of worker’s compensation is the injury during lunch breaks. Some time is given to all employees for their personal use during office time. Lunchtime is that kind of slot. If the employee has been injured while carrying the Tiffin box for the boss, you will qualify for worker’s compensation. If you are injured while having lunch on the company’s premises, you will be able to get compensation. Besides that, if a person has been injured during the walk time, he may not be eligible. There may be several exceptions to these rules and a lawyer can assist you with the entire procedure.
Office Premises Misconduct
Your injuries may not be compensated if alcohol or drugs were involved at your office or during the conducting of business when it happened. There could be extenuating circumstances on your behalf, but just know that this premise will always work against you.
It is important to contact an attorney, who can review your case and give you legal assistance.